Our program is a year- round program. We are open Monday – Friday and observe Federal Holidays, Winter, Spring and Fall breaks.
Half day program is Monday – Friday: 8:45am – 11:45am or Monday – Thursday 8:45am – 12:30pm
Full day program is Monday – Friday: 8:45am – 2:45pm
Parents may choose to stay for extra-curriculum activities and longer hours, if needed.
*Children do not need to be toilet-trained to attend.
*Nutritious gluten free snacks and lunches are provided by our Parent lunch program.
The classroom is a rich educational setting, filled with hands-on activities for this critical age group. As Dr. M. Montessori discovered, that children all over the world, when given a choice, are drawn to real, purposeful activities including:
Toddler exercises and activities recognize that children learn by doing. Classroom materials are always accessible, attractive, safe, and geared for a child’s success. Activities are changed regularly in response to children’s need for variety and challenge as they grow and learn. The safe, loving, gentle atmosphere puts children and parents at ease and makes for a trusting, spontaneous transition to school.
*8:45am – Arrival – Outdoor Playtime
*9:30am – Gluten Free Snack w/fresh fruit
*10:30am – Uninterrupted Work Time, Individual Lessons. Children remove shoes when enter the classroom and choose the lesson to work with
*11:45pm – Departure for Part-Time Students
*12:00pm – Music/Story Time
*12:30pm – Departure for Part-Time Students
*1:00pm – 2:30pm – Lunch and Resting Time for Full Day Children
*3:00pm – Snack
*3:30pm – 4:15pm – Extra Curriculum Activity of Choice
*4:15pm – 5:00pm – Outdoor Playtime for Extended Day Students until Departure
During outside playtime your child will enjoy beautiful playground surrounded by Live Oak trees. He will have an opportunity to move freely, developing crucial at this age gross and fine motor skills.
Toddlers come to school five days a week, and may choose to stay for mornings-only or a full day.
Upon completion of the Toddler program, children join our Primary Program.